As of March 1 2005, the Illinois Department of Revenue has posted the names, addresses, and outstanding tax balances of 100 business and individuals who have outstanding liabilities of $1,000 or more, which was due at least six months ago. The liabilities threshold of $1,000 includes tax, penalties, and interest. Each of the taxpayers on the list was notified by certified mail at their last known address at least 90 days prior to March 1, 2005. The initial action brought 89 taxpayers to pay an overall total of $590,000 to avoid being listed publicly. Director Brian Hamer was cited as saying, “The taxpayers whose names appear [March 1] owe money not just to the Department of Revenue, they owe money to all the citizens of Illinois. They have a right to know whose these people are.” (News, Illinois Department of Revenue, March 1, 2005)