Effective February 2024, online filing of many business taxes, including Withholding, Sales and Use, and Admissions and Amusements in Maryland will move to a new online filing portal, Maryland Tax Connect. Maryland Tax Connect includes self-service access to online payments, viewing historical returns, business registrations and license renewals, and online return filing.
The timeline of the roll out of the new system for sales and use tax filers will begin on January 22nd.
bFile will remain available for end of year Withholding reconciliation returns and W2s after January 22nd.
The department has clarified that users who need to file returns between January 23rd and when they receive their welcome letter to sign up for Maryland Tax Connect will be able to use guest return filing and guest payment functions until they set up their new accounts. (Comptroller of Maryland, NEW Maryland Tax Connect Portal Information, December 1, 2023)