Vermont has initiated a voluntary self-audit program” “Know What You Owe” – intended to aid taxpayers in complying with use tax remittance. From August 1, 2013 to May 1, 2014, business owners can sign up to participate in the program, conduct a self-audit, and remit the correct amount of use tax due. Under the program, participants will review their business records for the past three years to determine if use tax is owed. The state will allow participants to self-report the tax due and will waive all penalties and 50% of the interest owed for the period reviewed. The look-back period for audits under the program will be limited to three years instead of the possible seven years for businesses not currently registered. Additionally, participants will not have to work through a structured audit. Any tax owed and applicable reduced interest must be paid within 30 days of the date the participant enters the program. Additional interest will accrue if the tax is not paid in this period. Participants may be able to arrange an extended payment plan with the department.(Know What You Owe, Vermont Department of Taxes, August 2013; Publication BR-1015, Vermont Department of Taxes, August 27, 2013)