Sales Tax Strategic Planning & Visioning
Understanding the sales and use tax laws as they apply to your business can be a daunting exercise. And once you have a grasp of what laws might apply to your business, you then need to create a process to be compliant with them. Given that sales and use taxes touch virtually every department within an organization, creating a vision for the transaction tax function can be overwhelming.
YETTER can work with you to understand the business processes outside your tax department that are integral to the sales and use tax compliance function and help you craft a vision that meets your company’s overall business needs, keeps you in compliance and results in an effective and efficient vision. Our experience from the government and corporate perspective as well as with businesses of all sizes gives us a unique perspective to assist you in creating a strategic plan and vision.
Once the plan and vision are developed, we can help you implement them. This process could range from assisting with a tax department restructuring to a company-wide training of personnel involved in making sales and use tax decisions to assisting with the selection and implementation of automation tools. Fostering awareness of sales and use tax issues and requirements throughout the company can have significant benefits to your company’s fiscal condition. Contract structuring can reduce tax costs to both customers and the company. Automation can reduce errors and the associated interest and penalty costs. Creating more efficient operations can allow tax personnel to work on proactive projects rather than simply reacting to problems after they are discovered.
Any suggestions we make while helping you develop the strategic plan and vision will always follow a practical, user-friendly, cost-efficient approach. Our relationships with automation tool vendors are broad, which allows us to identify various options that may be relevant. And overall, our efforts are always directed at finding the best solution for your needs, regardless of our involvement in the implementation.
What’s Next?
Do you have a pressing sales tax question and don’t know where to turn to for expert advice?
Get your question answered with a 1 hour private and personal phone consultation with leading sales tax expert Diane Yetter.
Have specific questions related to economic nexus?
Get an analysis of your risk level post-Wayfair and get your questions answered.