Taxability Analysis Research
Taxability laws are complex. How do you decide how your products are classified for tax purposes? A wrong choice can cost you several percentage points in tax liability. Not only that, each state may have different rules for how your products or services are taxed.
Ensure that you are properly charging sales tax (or paying sales and use tax for your purchases) with a taxability analysis from YETTER. We will pair you with a research team that has experience with your industry and local rules. They will research and analyze your company’s products and services in selected states, all states where you do business or where you’re planning to expand. Next, we prepare a taxability matrix for each of the jurisdictions. The matrix is an easy-to-read grid that lists each product and service, its taxability and the applicable citation. The matrix can also include tax type, rate, local tax and situs rules.
Contact us for more information on taxability analysis services and the various roles in which we can assist you.
What’s Next?
Do you have a pressing sales tax question and don’t know where to turn to for expert advice?
Get your question answered with a 1 hour private and personal phone consultation with leading sales tax expert Diane Yetter.
Have specific questions related to economic nexus?
Get an analysis of your risk level post-Wayfair and get your questions answered.