News & Tips

Here you can read up on significant developments in the world of sales and use tax. Find the latest legislative updates and helpful tips to keep you in compliance across all 50 states. You can filter news items by topic and/or a jurisdiction of interest.

Missouri Manufacturing Exemption Does Not Apply to Company Making Custom Products

The Missouri Department of Revenue (DOR) issued a letter ruling stating that the state’s manufacturing exemption for sales and use tax does not apply to a company that performs custom machining and laser services for parts and materials.

Texas Issues Guidance on the Taxability of Disposable Collars for Dessert Cups

The Texas Comptroller has issued a private letter ruling discussing the taxability of disposable collars for dessert cups.

Testing Equipment Involved in Manufacturing Process Exempt from Sales Tax in Virginia

A taxpayer in Virginia was entitled to a refund for paid sales and use tax on testing equipment.

Washington State Rules that Packaging, Packing, and Distribution Machinery Does Not Qualify for Manufacturing Exemption

A taxpayer protested Washington State auditors’ conclusions that a facility operated by the taxpayer was not entitled to a manufacturing exemption for equipment used at a facility.

Sales and Use Tax Clarified for Samples by Manufacturers and Retailers

The West Virginia Tax Department has issued guidance on the sales and use tax implications for samples distributed by manufacturers and retailers.

Washington Issues Guidance on Taxability of Items Manufactured for Own Commercial or Industrial Use

The Washington Department of Revenue has issued guidance regarding the tax treatment of items that are manufactured for a business’s own commercial or industrial use.

Tennessee Appeals Court Supports Chancery Court in Overturning Revocation of Manufacturing Exemption

On September 6, 2023, the Tennessee Appeals Court at Nashville issued a majority ruling upholding the Chancery Court’s decision in the case Alsco, Inc. v. Tennessee Department of Revenue, number M2022-01019-COA-R3-CV.

Illinois DOR Rules Company’s Freezing & Cooling Machinery is Exempt

In a private letter ruling issued on June 2, 2023, the Illinois Department of Revenue ruled that an Illinois company’s machinery was exempt from sales tax due to its role in preserving and maintaining food to be sold.

Specific Items used by Auto Parts Manufacturer Qualify for Indiana Manufacturing Exemption

The Indiana Department of Revenue (DOR) determined that certain items purchased by an auto parts manufacturer qualified for the state’s manufacturing exemption.

Clean Room Equipment Qualifies for Indiana Manufacturing Exemption

Indiana has issued a revenue ruling stating that equipment used in a climate-controlled clean room qualified for the state’s manufacturing exemption.

Tennessee Updates Definition of Industrial Machinery for Sales Tax Exemption

Effective July 1, 2023, Tennessee has enacted legislation that amends the state’s definition of “industrial machinery” for purposes of the state’s industrial machinery exemption.

Texas Clarifies Manufacturing Exemptions Do Not Apply to Service Providers

In a memo released in the wake of its success in a court case addressing the issue earlier this year, Texas elaborated on its reasons for denying companies performing refurbishment services a manufacturing exemption on wrapping and packaging items.

Missouri Supreme Court Denies Carfax’s Use of Manufacturing Exemption For Their Computer Servers

The Supreme Court of Missouri has sided with the Department of Revenue and ruled that CarFax cannot claim manufacturing exemptions for their use of servers to generate vehicle information reports.

Vermont expands sales and use tax manufacturing exemption to include machinery and equipment in integrated production operation

Machinery used in or consumed as an integral or essential part of an integrated production operation is not subject to sales and use tax in the State of Vermont as of July 2022 following an amendment expanding the Manufacturing Tax Exemption.

North Carolina ruling on taxation of manufacturing machinery and equipment offers a reminder for taxpayers in all states

In a decision impacting manufacturers in North Carolina, the state’s Department of Revenue, Sales and Use Tax Division explained in a private letter ruling request that the purchasers of machinery and equipment for a manufacturing plant are not exempt from state sales and use tax.

Arkansas Rules on Pollution Reduction Equipment Exemptions

An Arkansas taxpayer protested the denials of sales tax refund claims resulting from audits.

New Mexico Creates Gross Receipts Tax Deductions for Sales of Specific Services to Manufacturers

The New Mexico Department of Revenue provided a new law allowing receipts from selling certain professional services to be deducted from New Mexico gross receipts for taxing purposes.

Washington Taxpayer Denied M&E Exemption After Proving to Not be a Manufacturer

A Washington hardware provider was denied the state’s machine and equipment (M&E) sales tax exemption for their purchases of plastic injection molds used to house their hardware system.

Alabama Manufacturer Requests Reduced Machine Rate

An Alabama taxpayer that manufactures rockets requested a partial sales tax refund for tax paid on helium and nitrogen.

Kentucky Enacts Manufacturing Electricity Exemption for Mining of Cryptocurrency

On July 1, 2021, the state of Kentucky enacted a new sales tax exemption for electricity that is used or consumed in the commercial mining of cryptocurrency.

Arkansas Supreme Court Affirms Manufacturer’s Exemption for Steel Grit

The Arkansas Supreme Court affirmed that purchases of steel grit used by a company manufacturing pipes qualified for the sales and use tax manufacturing equipment exemption.

Louisiana Taxpayer’s Caustic Chemicals Qualify for Pollution Control Sales Tax Exemption

The Louisiana Board of Tax Appeals corrected the Louisiana Department of Revenue’s incorrect denial of a taxpayer’s refund claim for the purchase of sodium hydroxide.

Texas Provides Guidance Regarding Manufacturing Exemptions

The Texas Comptroller issued new guidance stating that exemptions for state sales and use tax apply to those who manufacture, fabricate, or process tangible personal property for sale.

Manufacturing Exemptions Do Not Apply to Block Chain in Kentucky

Kentucky has stated that the state’s sales and use tax exemptions for traditional manufacturing do not apply to block chain production.