Beginning October 1, 2016, pursuant to an agreement with the Vermont Department of Taxes, Airbnb will collect and remit meals and rooms tax on payments for lodging offered by its hosts. Airbnb hosts are not responsible for any back taxes they have failed to collect. For Airbnb hosts who have registered to collect the tax, the October 25, 2016 return is the last return they have to file unless they also rent their property using other platforms. Hosts using other platforms should continue to collect and remit tax on those rentals.The department is also offering an amnesty program for hosts using other short-term rental platforms. Until November 1, 2016, a host who voluntarily registers with the department to collect and remit meals and rooms tax going forward will not be liable for any back meals and rooms taxes owed. Vermont Department of Taxes is reaching out to other short term rental platforms in an attempt to enter into a similar agreement. Until that time, the hosts are responsible for collecting and remitting taxes directly.(Press Release, Vermont Department of Taxes, September 15, 2016; Short-Term Rentals, Vermont Department of Taxes, September 2016)