The District of Columbia has enacted a tax amnesty period taking place from August 2, 2010 to September 30, 2010. The program will apply to individuals and businesses with unpaid D.C. tax obligations due before December 31, 2009. All penalties and fees will be waived if the taxpayer pays all outstanding tax and interest during the amnesty period. The types of tax eligible for amnesty are sales and use, individual income, corporate and unincorporated franchise, withholding, personal property, fiduciary income, motor fuel, special event, gross receipts, estate, tobacco, and toll communication taxes. Real property taxes and the ball park fee are not covered by the amnesty program. Individuals with tax obligations who do not participate in the program may see increased withholdings from their paychecks. The District has authorized the Office of Tax and Revenue to have employers increase withholding tax collections from those individuals. In addition, business owners who have underreported their sales revenue are advised to file amended returns. Beginning in 2011, credit card companies will report sales revenue to the IRS who will pass the information along to the Office of Tax and Revenue. This will enable them to identify businesses who have underreported for 2011 and prior years and select them for audit. (Release, District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue, July 29, 2010). (9/10)