Recent legislation has been signed affecting various retail sales for items ranging from aircraft repair to public water systems. Among these are four changes that apply specifically to retail sales. 1) Effective July 1, 2004, the base for computing the tax on isolated or occasional sales of motor vehicles or trailers will be either the stated selling price or the valuation of the item, whichever cost is greater. Regarding wrecked or damaged vehicles, the selling price will be used as the tax base for the isolated sale. 2) Effective January 1, 2005, retailers’ sales tax will apply to “prewritten computer software”, where previously the tax applied to “computer software” and the sale of service of providing the software. 3) Effective January 1, 2005, sales of the services and the parts used in aircraft repair, modification, remanufacturing will no longer be exempt from the retailers’ sales tax. 4) Effective January 1, 2005, the retailers’ sales tax exemption will include hearing aids, tangible personal property sold to a contractor, food items sold by a contractor engaged in preparing meals for the homebound elderly, and other items sold to various exempt organizations. (S.B. 147, Laws 2004)