Louisiana Governor Proposes Tax Amnesty Period

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has proposed legislation for a Tax Amnesty program. The program would take place in the fiscal year 2009-2010 for a two month period which would be determined by the Secretary of Revenue. Amnesty would apply to all tax periods beginning July 2001 and ending December 30, 2008. If a taxpayer pays all unpaid taxes and 50% of accrued interest, then the state will waive all penalties owed, as well as half of the interest. Taxpayers will be eligible for the program if they have an existing tax liability, did not file a required return or report, or who have understated or omitted any tax liability on a filed return. Amnesty would not be granted for motor fuel inspection fees, inspection and supervision fees, or motor fuel taxes. For an update on this news item, click here. (Press Release, Office of Gov. Bobby Jindal, February 18, 2009)

Posted on April 2, 2009