On December 31, 2107, all Colorado sales tax licenses are set to expire. Sales tax licenses are used for the collection and filing of Colorado and local sales taxes. Separate, individual licenses and a $16 renewal fee are required for each physical location. The renewed licenses will be valid for a two-year period beginning January 1, 2018. Even if a license was recently applied for and received, renewal for the new two-year period is still required. Before beginning the renewal process, you should verify your open locations using the Colorado Department of Revenue’s tax filing portal, Revenue Online.
There are several options to renew your sales tax license. First, you may complete your renewal online through Revenue Online, which allows payment for each license using credit card or e-check. Online renewal is also possible through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), as paying for renewed licenses by EFT fulfills the requirement of filing a license renewal application. Finally, paper renewal is also available using the DR 0594 form. When you send in your payment, remember to include your Colorado Account Number and the words “sales tax renewal” on the check or money order.