Sales tax is a niche specialty in accounting and finance. Despite the complexity and amount of work it can take to effectively manage sales tax, those tasked with handling sales tax in their companies often have much broader job responsibilities than solely focusing on sales tax.
Here’s the thing… internal resources simply may not be able to adequately address the full scope of your company’s sales tax compliance needs and provide the strategies necessary to guide you forward. That is why having an external sales tax advisor can be a game changer.
A sales tax advisor can provide immense value regardless of your company size or industry. Services can range from fully outsourced sales tax responsibilities to project-based solutions that can be tailored to meet your needs.
This 90-minute webinar will teach you how to derive the most benefit from a sales tax advisory relationship from both the client and advisor perspective. It will give prospective clients a framework to select the best type of sales tax advisory relationship based on their business model and structure. Advisors will learn how to clarify their service offerings and find out best practices for educating clients on the nuances of sales tax. More details
Who should attend?
This webinar is intended for financial and operations personnel—including tax, general accounting, accounts payable, sales, tax technology, purchasing and credit—who deal with sales and use tax as part of their responsibilities. This webinar is also intended for accounting and financial advisors that provide or will soon provide sales tax advisory services.
Diane L. Yetter, President & Founder, YETTER and Sales Tax Institute
Diane L. Yetter is the “Sales Tax Nerd TM” as well as a strategist, advisor, speaker and author in the field of sales and use tax. She is president and founder of YETTER Tax, a sales tax consulting and tax technology firm in business since 1996. She is also the founder of The Sales Tax Institute, which offers live and online courses to educate business professionals about sales and use tax.
More About Diane L. Yetter
About the InstructorKeela Ross, SALT Director, Wipfli LLP Keela Ross is a director within the state and local tax group at Wipfli and has over 17 years of experience in providing tax consulting and compliance services. She began her career in personal property tax compliance and valuation and quickly expanded her expertise into the areas of unclaimed property and sales and use tax consulting and compliance. Keela serves the tax needs of various types of organizations within multiple industries including retail, media, information services, financial services, and manufacturing companies. She understands the uniqueness of each client and is committed to customizing specific business solutions to help companies overcome challenges and meet their goals. |
About the InstructorJeremiah LaRue, Product Marketing Manager – Tax, Jeremiah is a collaborative and creative product marketer in tax technology with over a decade of experience working in the tax and accounting profession as a technical trainer and consultant helping to lead firms through technology change, and as a product manager owning and driving large-scale tax product rollouts and roadmaps. As a Product Marketing Manager at, Jeremiah is responsible for driving awareness, growth, and GTM strategy for the product & services portfolio. He is also fluent in Spanish and has a passion for multiculturalism and global philanthropy. |
The sales tax landscape is in constant flux and has grown deeper in complexity for most businesses following the South Dakota v. Wayfair decision. To manage growing sales tax responsibilities, businesses are increasingly seeking out external advisors to provide the support and expertise needed to ensure their sales tax compliance.
If your business lacks the internal capacity to stay on top of sales tax requirements, engaging a sales tax advisor (or investigating if your accounting firm already provides sales tax services) will be well worth your while. This webinar will guide you through the things you need to think about in selecting an advisor and advisory model – from evaluating your specific industry needs to the sophistication of your tax department.
For advisors, understanding these types of considerations prospective clients are making can help you get very clear on the types of services you want to provide and what is included in your engagement agreements. Given the increased demand for sales tax guidance, advisors have the opportunity to support clients in new ways and create business growth for their practice by providing sale tax services.
This 90-minute webinar is taught by sales tax expert Diane Yetter of Sales Tax Institute, successful sales tax advisor Keela Ross of Wipfli LLP, and practice development specialist Jeremiah LaRue of They will teach you how clients and advisors can create the most successful sales tax advisory relationship possible. You’ll learn the multitude of ways sales tax advisors can provide value to businesses and how clients and advisors alike can find their best matches based on the client’s industry and business model.
CPE Information:
Webinar attendees can earn 1.5 hours of CPE credit in the “Taxes” field of study
Prerequisites: This course requires no prerequisites or advance preparation.
Program Level: Basic
Delivery Method: Group Internet-Based
Additional Information about CPE
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Custom sales and use tax trainings are available for those needing a specialized program.