The arrival of the sharing economy has been a big game changer. Companies like Airbnb and Uber have radically transformed the hotel and transportation industries. But like the e-commerce boom before it, the sharing economy brings with it a whole slew of new tax issues and complications for businesses.
Not to mention tax obligations that you may not even be aware of. Are you sure you’re doing the right thing when it comes to handling taxes in the sharing economy?
Who should attend? This course is intended for individuals or companies who deal with sharing economy transactions. This webinar is intended for financial and operations personnel—including tax, general accounting, accounts payable, sales, tax technology, purchasing and credit—who deal with sales and use tax as part of their responsibilities. The course is also designed for general practitioners, with minimal to no experience.
Breen Schiller is a partner with Horwood Marcus and Berk Chartered where she concentrates her practice in state and local tax planning and the resolution of state and local tax controversies for multi-state and multi-national corporations. She advises Fortune 500 companies as well as mid-size and closely-held businesses and start-up companies on issues related to all types of state and local tax.
More About Private: Breen SchillerDiane L. Yetter, President & Founder, YETTER and Sales Tax Institute
Diane L. Yetter is the “Sales Tax Nerd TM” as well as a strategist, advisor, speaker and author in the field of sales and use tax. She is president and founder of YETTER Tax, a sales tax consulting and tax technology firm in business since 1996. She is also the founder of The Sales Tax Institute, which offers live and online courses to educate business professionals about sales and use tax.
More About Diane L. YetterIf you deal with transactions in the sharing economy, you’ll want to know exactly what the issues are and how to handle them correctly. From nexus and tax collection issues to payroll and employee issues and sales, use and occupancy tax obligations, you could potentially have a lot on your plate to deal with.
That’s where we can help. With a little bit of expert guidance, you can understand what tax complications there are and how to get ahead of them so there aren’t any surprises.
Taxes in the Sharing Economy is a 90-minute webinar taught by Breen Schiller, Partner at Horwood Marcus & Berk, and Diane Yetter of the Sales Tax Institute. This course will give you the knowledge you need to navigate the sales and use tax issues that can trip you up with the sharing economy.
Stay ahead of the game – learn what the tax issues are and how to handle them correctly by attending this webinar.
Learning Objectives for this webinar include:
CPE Information:
Webinar attendees can earn 1.5 hours of CPE credit in the “Taxes” field of study
Prerequisites: This course requires no prerequisites or advance preparation.
Program Level: Basic
Delivery Method: Group Internet-Based
Additional Information about CPE
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Custom sales and use tax trainings are available for those needing a specialized program.